Monday, May 18, 2009

Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent Reviewed

Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent is a liquid that has a bitter taste to help you stop biting your nails. It is also used to stop children from sucking their thumbs. Since biting your nails can be a subconscious habit, the bitter taste helps you recognize when you're biting your fingernails. This nail biting deterrent has many testimonials of people who have used it successfully.

"Buy Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent, use it religiously and you will not be able to bite. Your nails will grow. As long as this stuff is on your nails, you will not be able to bite them. It is truly awful. In 30 years of nail biting, this is the first thing that has deterred me. It's working wonderfully for me." Scott Warren

"It worked great for me but I did put it on daily, I now have nails.... Cheaper, tastes and works the same as a more expensive product I bought." Linette J. Maki

"Will help you stop biting nails real quick. Has a horrible taste so you will stop quick." Joyce Butler

If you pick at your nails and do not bite them, then this product will not work for you. Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent can be used in combination with other nail biting remedies like hypnosis.

Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent:
  • is a liquid that is brushed onto the fingernails
  • is safe for both adults and children
  • only needs to be applied every other day
  • is a transparent formula that can be used over nail color
  • has helped many people stop biting their nails
  • is very inexpensive
Click the link below to get additional information on Mavala Stop Nail Biting Deterrent, where to buy it and other nail biting remedies.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stop Biting Nails – 7 Tips to Success

Trying to stop biting nails is way easier said than done. Here are seven tips that will provide insight and some relief to this frustrating habit.

1. It’s all in your mind. That is to say, it is psychological or subconscious. You have to change how you think about biting your nails. Why do you bite them? If you can’t figure that out, at least you have to be able to recognize when you bite them and alter your behavior. Quitting nail biting has been compared to quitting smoking. It’s hard!

2. Quit beating yourself up for failing to stop biting nails. Millions of people around the world have this habit and many have tried quitting without success. You have to find the right system to help you quit. And that solution has to involve a psychological solution.

3. Lotions and potions don’t work...or do they? In most cases, these might help you to stop biting nails temporarily by have a nasty bitter taste on your nails when you put them in your mouth. Sometimes, the polishes can help you stop biting your nails permanently. However, if you pick at your nails, lotions won’t stop that at all since taste is not involved. And what happens when you forget to apply the lotions? They don’t work!

4. Don’t break one habit by starting another. Some people will tell you to eat when you feel like chewing your nails. First off, since it’s a subconscious habit, you don’t always know when you feel like chewing your nails or even remember chewing them until they’re gone. Secondly, nobody wants to add 5, 10 or 20 pounds because they were trying to stop biting nails. Others will suggest chewing gum or a toothpick or wearing gloves to stop biting nails. You are not always in a situation where these “alternatives” are appropriate. Another suggestion people offer is to ask someone to lightly touch your arm or give some other non-invasive reminder when they see you nibbling. What happens when you are by yourself? All of these “alternatives” are still only a temporary fix and do not address the subconscious reasons on why you chew.

5. You could stop biting nails if you had more will power. Not True. You have to recondition the automated responses that cause you to bite your nails.

6. Nail biting is caused by stress or boredom, so eliminate those things from your life. Let’s get real! We are human so we are going to get stressed and bored. It is a good idea to reduce both those things in your life for a better lifestyle, but it’s impossible to eliminate them.

7. When you do finally stop biting nails, you will have renewed confidence. You will no longer be ashamed of your hands. And you will no longer have to answer the question, “Why do you bit your nails?” Maintenance of your new nails is a must. Keep your nails clean, trimmed and polished. Including foods in your diet that are high in calcium and magnesium will keep your nails strong and healthy and allow them to grow quickly.

So how do you stop? Learn this quick effective secret system to stop biting nails, visit